Research Initiatives

Past Initiatives

African Art in a Global Society, 2019-2022, under the faculty leadership of Zoe Strother and Souleymane Bachir Diagne, IAS launched a program on the issue of restitution of African art in collaboration with the Italian Academy for Advanced Studies and funded by the Mellon Foundation and the FACE Foundation. The collaboration included: 2019 conference, “The Restitution Debate: African Art in a Global Society;" and 2022 workshop, “African Photography: The Ethics of Looking and Collecting in the Age of Restitution.
IAS Projects at the Global Center in Nairobi

As an extensiuon of the Columbia-Sciences Po African Philosophy Seminar funded by the


African Philosophy and Contemporary Politics Project

This project is supported by the African Humanties Project held jointly by IAS and Sciences Po and supported by the French-American Cul


Columbia, IFRA, and Sciences Po Research Masterclass in Nigeria

This project is supported by the African Humanties Project held jointly by IAS and Sciences Po and supported by the French-American Cultural Exchange Partner University Fund.